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Please see our rate schedule for more information on the cost of monthly water usage.


Additional Dwelling Units:

Please note that if you have additional dwellings on your property, there is a $10.00* additional dwelling unit fee (per additional unit) added to your bill each month.


Following a Public Hearing with the Central Weld County Water District (CWCWD) Board of Directors on July 18, 2024, the Board voted to increase the Meter Water Rates for all customers and municipalities.  The rate schedule for some of the Towns assesses a monthly minimum charge equal to 40% of the retail customer minimum charge which is $10.85/month (0.4 x $27.12) per 5/8” equivalent meter times the number of tap equivalent meters certified by each town.  When the town’s monthly usage is above the minimum the town will be billed at the District’s rates in effect for the largest volume usage.  The rate change increases the per thousand-gallon tier one charge from $2.70 to $3.00. The base rate increased from $23.12 to $27.12 per 1 Tap Equivalent and increases per Tap Equivalents larger than 1.  This change will be effective November 1, 2024.

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