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Meet The Team

Leather Briefcase

S. Linker
District Manager

S. Linker has been the District Manager since September 2013 after being the project manager for the District since 2007. He provides detail information on a monthly basis to the Board of Directors and corresponds directly with the municipalities that the District services in regards to contracts, negotiations, and correspondence. He oversees the office and field staff which are comprised of eleven employees. He reviews all payables and receivables, office and field equipment purchases, prepares budgets, handles customer complaints, corresponds with engineering, researches water contracts and water sources, corresponds with legal counsel, etc., and reviews policies and procedures.

Architect Looking at a Map

D. Naibauer
Operations Manager
Certified Water Professional

D. Naibauer is the Operations Manager and has been with the District since 2000. He oversees all field personnel and operations. He coordinates daily schedules with the field personnel and contractors which includes ordering parts for upcoming projects, handling emergency leak repairs and maintenance, lead and copper testing, and adhering to sanitary survey guidelines. He is in constant contact with the District Manager regarding daily operations and upcoming services. He oversees the staff of six field personnel.

Construction workers working on a street

S. Maddox
Field Manager
Certified Water Professional

S. Maddox is the Field Manager and has been with the District since 2009 where he came with experience from Longs Peak water. He is on site daily overseeing the District’s projects and contractors. He is in constant contact with the Operations Manager with any updates, concerns, or problems. He helps maintain sanitary survey information with the Project and Operations Manager.


C. Mesloh
Project Manager
Certified Water Professional

C. Mesloh is the Project Manager/GIS Specialist and has been with the District since 2014 where he came with experience from Fort Collins/Loveland water district. He coordinates Lead and Copper testing twice a year and maintains the reporting for the Sanitary Survey. He updates the GIS information on a weekly basis in order for the District’s mapping to stay up to date. He rotates with completing monthly meter reading. He completes hydrant and PRV maintenance and line locates.

Man in Farm

D. Clarkin
Backflow Specialist
Certified Water Professional

D. Clarkin is the Backflow Specialist and has been with the District since 2005. He responds to all backflow requests and requirements for District customers. He completes hydrant and PRV maintenance and also completes meter reading and line locates throughout the District.

Water Pipe

R. White
Certified Water Professional

R. White is a Certified Water Specialist and has been with the District since 2019. He completes customer service calls along with routine field maintenance, fire hydrant maintenance, and line locates.

Metal Pipes

J. Bernhardt
Certified Water Professional

J. Bernhardt is a Certified Water Specialist and has been with the District since 2019. He completes hydrant and PRV maintenance and sets new meters along with routine field maintenance and line locates.

Route Planning

Kathy Naibauer
Project Specialist/GIS

Kathy Naibauer is the Project Specialist and has been with the District since 2011. She reviews and responds to all referrals from Weld County and the various municipalities the District serves. Kathy communicates with potential customers and municipalities on development projects where annexation is a factor. She also maintains the backflow program, GIS data and inventory records.

Office Desk

Office Manager

R. Garcia is the Administrative Director/Office Manager and has been with the District since 1998. She has been the Administrative Director since 2005. She provides monthly reports for the Board meetings, water rights and transfers, payroll, budgeting, prospective service requests, billing, audit preparation and reporting, lead and coper monitoring records, annual CWCB water efficiency reporting, billing rate updates, demand charge info and reporting, inclusion and exclusion petitioning, bank reconciliations, human resources, election protocols, depreciation reporting, Beacon meter reading analysis, monthly Town and customer billing, etc. while providing assistance to the office and field staff.

Businesswoman on Phone

B. Garcia
Accounts Payable
Customer Service
Marketing/Social Media

B. Garcia is in AP/Customer Service and has been with the District since 2015. She maintains the website information and updates social media information with to help the District’s customers stay current with information and projects. She tracks water sample reporting and updates project maps for GIS coding.

Hotline Consultant

D. Corral
Accounts Receivable
Customer Service

D. Corral is in AR/Customer Service and has been with the District since 2019.

She processes payments and provides customer service.

She helps customers with the WebShare payment portal and auto payments. She provides information for new tap requests and tracks delinquent accounts.

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